Our First Project: Stationery Drive for African Students

Our first project raised more than 5,000 stationery pieces which were donated to SOS Children's Villages, either through the organization's thrift store in Vancouver or taken by us to Kenya and Tanzania to be presented directly to the recipients. We learned that direct charity or working through an established and well-regarded non-government organization like SOS Children's Villages is best. Otherwise, in countries where poverty is widespread, donations can go "astray" before they reach the intended recipients. The video below outlines our first project. Or you can see it in widescreen on YouTube by clicking here.


Want to help? Please support our current project to
raise $3,000 for an SOS Children's Village in Kenya.

To donate, please click on the DONATION link at
right to reach our secure Donation site. Donations
can be made via PayPal and go into a dedicated bank
account for transfer to SOS Children's Villages Canada.

We have arranged with SOS Children's Villages Canada
for donations to be designated for an SOS Children's
Village in Kenya.